Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Banana puree

Banana puree
Banana is among the fruits found all year round in the Nigerian market. When ripe, bananas are sweet, soft and squishy such that they could be easily mashed and fed to babies who have started eating solids. Bananas are said to be very good soiurces of dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, potassium and several other nutrients. Banana puree can be served plain, mixed with cereals or with formula. They are said to be ideal first fruits for babies. 

Ensure you select ripe and blemish-free bananas for your baby's puree. Banana retailers in Nigerian markets are usually said to use some sort of chemical to slow down the ripening of the banana they are selling. As much as possible, always choose banana that has not been tampered with in anyway.

Peel the banana and then blend or mash in a mortar or with whatever mashing equipment you can use. The younger the baby, the more the need for the puree to be smooth. Older babies can handle small lumps in their puree. 

It is advisable you prepare a single serving size of banana puree each time you need it. Bananas when mashed or blended turn brown in minutes whether refrigerated or not, in a process called oxidization. You definitely will not like the colour of oxidized banana so its better you prepare just what the baby will eat a single time. 

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