Saturday, 10 August 2019

Benefits of African Pear(Ube)

It is the late season of this sweet, fibrous, fleshy and buttery pear of the West African mainly found in the South Eastern part of Nigeria popularly known as Ube.  They are rich in important flavonoids, vitamins, and dietary fiber .the antioxidant vitamin (vitamin C) which helps to fight the free radicals in the body. It is pink or grey in colour when unripe but turns dark purple when ripped; It has a butter-like nature when roasted or dipped in hot water and is enjoyed by all. It is mainly eaten alone, with roasted or cooked corn, can also be mashed into baby's food.

Boosts Immune System

Immune boosting property in African bush pear comes from vitamin C and essential minerals that act as antioxidants that helps to strengthen immunity and improve the infection-fighting ability of the immune systems.

Reduces Constipation

Local pear contains soluble fiber which gives it the ability to aid a normal bowel movement and  reduce constipation. This fibre contains pectin, cellulose and lignin that resist the action of the digestive enzyme. 

Promotes Healthy Bones And Teeth

It contains some important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. These minerals have key roles to play in the skeletal system, in maintaining bone health, muscle contraction, immune system and blood clotting in both adults and children.

Helps to Maintain a Healthy skin

Ube also helps to improve the texture of your skin by making it smoother and reducing wrinkles as a result of its rich amount of vitamin C which works to fend off cell damage from free radicals even more than othrer fruits like oranges and lemons, They are also Allergy-Free Fruits

Good for the heart

Local pear also contains a lot of soluble fibre which  reduces absorption of cholesterol and bile acid from the small intestines, thereby reducing blood cholesterol level.

Rich in vitamin B5

It is rich in vitamin B5 which is very essential in the body. This vitamin is responsible for hormone stimulation, amazing skin care, healthy heart and hair, boost one’s immune system and stamina. Along with all these benefits, vitamin B5 helps to increase the body’s metabolic rate which can be crucial to weight loss, relieve stress, boost haemoglobin generation, prevent arthritis and even heal wounds.

Good For Pregnancy

As surprising as it may sound, local pear is a pregnancy super fruit. It contains natural folic acid which is very good in pregnancy supplement as it helps to prevent deficiencies in baby's brain and spinal cord.


It is healthy for patients suffering from diabetes and cancer because of it high loads of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is also very good for the body and does not have any side effect as it is a hypo-allergenic fruit, hence it is  recommended for infants and toddlers as a snack or mashed into their meals.

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